First batch of The Eye Tribe Tracker is now sold out! If you missed it, you can pre-order the 2nd batch today for delivery later in the Spring. We are working hard to push as many devices out as quickly as possible to meet the demand from the community.
All orders for The Eye Tribe Tracker that was placed on or before 2nd of February was shipped out today, so if you placed an order before this date, the package should reach you within a couple of weeks depending on the local shipping times. You should also have received an email with more details on delivery, access to the developer forum and software download.
For those of you who placed an order after 2nd of February we will get back to you asap with estimated shipping dates.
If you have already purchased The Eye Tribe Tracker and want to put in a larger bulk order, or if you are interested in integrating our technology in your own hardware, you should contact our sales department directly at sales@theeyetribe.com