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“Sorry but an error occurred while transferring the feedback

PostPosted: 08 Apr 2014, 09:20
by JeffKang
Long wait at last calibration point, “Estimated remaining time” not going, “Sorry but an error occurred while transferring the feedback package”

I click the Start button, and it goes through a calibration. On the last point, it freezes, and you have to wait for quite a while. After that, the Start becomes “Estimated Remaining Time”. I assume that’s a progress bar, but nothing loads. After a while, it says “Sorry but an error occurred while transferring the feedback package”.



Re: “Sorry but an error occurred while transferring the feed

PostPosted: 08 Apr 2014, 13:46
by Martin
Thanks for reporting, I'll be looking into this.

Re: “Sorry but an error occurred while transferring the feed

PostPosted: 09 Apr 2014, 01:37
by JeffKang
Oh also, after seeing “Sorry but an error occurred while transferring the feedback package”, and I go back to the System tab of the EyeTribe UI, both “Estimated remaining time”, and “Start” are labeled on the same button.

Here’s a pic:

It’s just a minor thing.

Re: “Sorry but an error occurred while transferring the feed

PostPosted: 07 May 2014, 19:13
by Martin
Think this has been fixed now with the 0.9.35 release. Let me know if it's still acting up.