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perfect calibration at 30 fps and no calibration at 60 fps

PostPosted: 23 Dec 2015, 00:22
by edgard.lima

I'm using the provided EyeTribe U softwareI.

I have got perfect calibration with 30 framerate but, no calibration or (very poor) at 60 framerate.

I ve set to 9 points and I have tried Sample Time with several different values.

My final appilcation requires 60 fps

Please, some one could help me to get a perfect calibration using 60 fps.

btw: better if possible with only 9 points

Thanks In Advance,

Re: perfect calibration at 30 fps and no calibration at 60 f

PostPosted: 23 Dec 2015, 01:54
by edgard.lima
I was able to calibrate,

I think I was out of the box at 60 fps, I think the box is smaller for 60 fps, right?

The other thing I did was to put 60 fps into C:\Users\edgard\AppData\Local\EyeTribe\EyeTribe.cfg


Re: perfect calibration at 30 fps and no calibration at 60 f

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2016, 11:59
by Martin
Hi Edgar,

Correct, the track-box is approximately 25% smaller in the 60Hz mode.

If you are willing to try out the new firmware, the 30Hz mode will be ~10% larger and ~25% larger for the 60 fps mode (e.g. same as 30Hz on current firmware). I've sent you a link to the flashing tool.

Re: perfect calibration at 30 fps and no calibration at 60 f

PostPosted: 06 Jan 2016, 17:36
by bigpepperlo
Yes, it is a problem! At 60 fps track box is very small and reduces the stability of tracking.It requires a very rigid fixation of the head.
How to increase the window tracking?

Re: perfect calibration at 30 fps and no calibration at 60 f

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2016, 03:28
by Martin
Try the new firmware I just sent you ;)