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The Eye Tribe Tracker for Windows & OSX v0.9.77 released

PostPosted: 04 May 2016, 00:18
by Martin
It's been a while but finally here it is, the new .77 release. There's many changes under the hood so let us know if there's anything troubling. This round covers primarily bug-fixing, improved run-time efficiency and better tracking in some situations.

Download available at your account page.

Update: Potential compatibility issue with PyGaze reported. Bug in PyTribe (invalid json) needs to be resolved. Please use version 0.9.56 until it's fixed.

EyeTribe Server
- Optimized tracking algorithms for faster recovery
- Improved image processing routines for faster and more precise detection of eye features
- Reduced CPU consumption, fewer spikes
- Pull request has been deprecated, Push is mandatory and selected automatically for new connections
- Heartbeats have been deprecated (still supported). Client connections will not be disconnected if heartbeats are not sent to the server
- API ID has been added (optional). The ID is simply echoed in the reply if it’s available with the request. The ID has been introduced for synchronization purposes.

EyeTribe UI for Windows
- Showing Frames Per Second in title bar of APIConsole (avg over 1000ms)
- Fixed memory leak in APIConsole
- Fixed bug for calibration point sampling duration (TETControls) did not respect setting applied in application.
- Fixed additional minor bugs in TETControls and C# TETClient. Source code will be pushed to Github repo shortly.