Hi, I'm writing an Eye Tribe extension for Chrome. Since the security model of Chrome does not allow tcp connections one has to use WebSockets. However, to do so you need another WebSocket server running, e.g., https://github.com/kzokm/eyetribe-websocket or https://github.com/nulltask/the-eye-tribe-websocket-server. This server does nothing else than dispatching requests from the Chrome extension to the Eye Tribe tcp server.
From the end user perspective it's very cumbersome to have the Eye Tribe server and the WebSocket server running at the same time. My question is, are there any plans to let the Eye Tribe server act as a WebSocket server? or as a tcp and a WebSocket server at the same time? This would simplify stuff.
It would also be nice if the Eye Tribe server could run as a background service and not in a terminal window...
If there are already solutions for these problems please let me know! thanks a lot.