Shoot zombies, slice fruits, scroll websites, select apps, fly a drone, detect drowsiness, measure reading skills, evaluate reader engagement or attention span, and much much more. The number of ways to apply eye tracking are countless – we want your help to identify ideas, and build the best ones.
Today, we announce a competition in the search for the best ways to use eye tracking. We will choose the 20 best ideas worldwide from developers with the ability to create them, and reward them with a free eye tracker with SDK. The winners will be featured on our website and become the first in the world to get their hands on The Eye Tribe Tracker, when it starts shipping later this year.
Good luck! We are thrilled to see what you will come up with…
And the winner is…
We already found our first winner, since we got some great ideas from the developers that initially signed up for our SDK during the summer. We are happy to announce that the first winner is Kevin Cole with DevFacto Technologies in Canada. The idea is to build a game that simulates having a telekinetic super power. The Eye Tribe Tracker combined with various other devices connected though an open source SDK will allow for targeting objects simply by looking at them, and bridge the gap for a projector based setup. We believe that it could become a great and fun experience, so Kevin will be one of the first people in the world to get his hands on The Eye Tribe Tracker. We look forward to it Kevin!
How do I enter the competition?
To enter the competition, please write a description of your idea, and send it to idea@theeyetribe.com. You can attach photos, videos and sketches, if it helps explain your idea.
Who can enter?
The competition is only for developers. You should be certain that you are capable of building the application or game yourself or at least within your organization.
When does the competition start and end?
The competition starts October 28th and ends on December 1st, 2013.