Pause and resuming of feedback sending possible?

Forum to report issues and bugs on Windows 7, 8, and 10.

Pause and resuming of feedback sending possible?

Postby JeffKang » 29 May 2014, 01:57

Pause and resuming of feedback sending possible?

I was able to finally complete a feedback-sending process, but it did take quite a while. I think it took me 2 to 3 hours.

Also, it does test the bandwidth a bit. I can have 10 video downloads going before I finally notice some slowing down in things like Internet browsing, but sending and uploading the feedback data had a similar effect.

I always thought that uploading was slower and more capped than downloading. I guess uploading also more greatly affects other Internet activities.

I’m wondering if it’s possible to pause and resume sending of feedback.

If not, then it’s fine. I just have to schedule it at a time when I’m not more heavily using the Internet. Although, it’s not like I can’t play high definition YouTube videos while doing the uploading. For me, it’s slower, but it’s manageable. However, the Internet in my area is all right, and I can’t speak for other people that might have worse ISP situations.

Posts: 129
Joined: 15 Feb 2014, 23:59

Re: Pause and resuming of feedback sending possible?

Postby Martin » 29 May 2014, 21:49

We haven't implemented pausing and resuming for the uploads yet and that could be a great idea. Most ISP offers asynchronous connections, for example 8 Mbit downstream and 1Mbit upstream, so uploading is going to be significantly slower.

I'm going to look into methods for reducing load on the internet connection (smaller datasets, more effective compression etc.)
Posts: 567
Joined: 29 Oct 2013, 15:20

Re: Pause and resuming of feedback sending possible?

Postby Martin » 29 May 2014, 22:12

Also, calibrating with fewer points will improve the upload time as less data is produced.
Posts: 567
Joined: 29 Oct 2013, 15:20

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