For me personally, version 35 still not as stable as 28

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For me personally, version 35 still not as stable as 28

Postby JeffKang » 08 May 2014, 07:22

(To better label the thread, I’m going to start a new one, if that’s all right. I first noticed the stability drop after 31, and I posted about it in the thread, “4 and 5 calibration every time last week; now, can’t pass 2”: viewtopic.php?f=9&t=178).



When I open 35 for the first time, I don’t notice any flickering of the animated eyes like with 28 (and certain stretches of 33. 31 was very unstable for me).

Four stars

I get four stars on my first attempt of 35. It’s pretty stable and accurate.

I can easily get the cursor centered on my desktop icons. I can even get the cursor centered on the minimized windows that are in the taskbar at the bottom.

I noticed that the cursor gets a bit jumpy (feedback eyes of tracking state flicker) when I look at the top right corner, and the top left corner.

Two stars

Unfortunately, I get 2 stars on the second attempt.

I get some occasional flickering, no matter where I look. When I look at the sides of the screen, I might get a bit more. When I look at the top right, and top left corners, I almost always get at least some flickering.

However, when looking near the center area of the screen, the accuracy and stability are not that bad.

Oddly, when I look near the bottom edge of the screen, the cursor won’t go there. The cursor won't go into the bottom 1/5 of the screen unless I look way below it.

Several more attempts

On several attempts after, I get one stars, and two stars. I won’t try to describe the exact details of these trials. I don’t think it’s useful unless I get a decent calibration first.

Even before I attempt a calibration, I stare at the feedback of the tracking state for a little bit. If the animated eyes periodically flicker, I know it’s going to be a rough calibration.


Just to make sure it wasn’t a dream, I tried 28 again. As almost always, I get five stars. The extra flickering in the top corners that I experienced in 35 reminded me to check for the corners in 28. I do get a tiny bit of flickering when I look at the corners, but it’s minor, and it’s not often. For me personally, it’s still the most stable version.

(I’ll try again tomorrow).

Thanks for reading.

Edit: Five stars

I managed to get five stars, but it still intermittently flickers (cursor jumps around if it’s turned on). I mentioned before that’s when I got a low calibration score, I sometimes had difficulty reaching the bottom 1/5 of the screen. With five stars, I don’t have that problem.

One star

I immediately tried again, and I got one star.

I’m guessing that I got lucky on the previous attempt, and I didn’t get flickering during that particular calibration process.
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