Drift Correction

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Drift Correction

Postby gojak » 26 Mar 2014, 16:33

Hi everyone,

first I'd like to thank you for your amazing work! We already used the ITU tracker before, but the EyeTribe one made a huge step and we are really glad to use it.

However, I am wondering whether it is possible to apply a drift correction from time to time. So far, I'm applying a linear shift which doesn't seem to work that well. So, perhaps you can tell me which methods and concepts are underyling your calibration. How do you compute visual angles and how can I access these information.

Thanks in advance
Posts: 3
Joined: 26 Mar 2014, 14:48

Re: Drift Correction

Postby ryklin » 16 Jul 2014, 23:53

I am surprised to hear that you are experiencing drift. How long before you notice this? Why do you say a linear correction inadequate -- by definition, drift is a linear offset in X or Y that occurs over time because of changes in the environment.
Posts: 65
Joined: 08 Apr 2014, 19:02

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