Getting Data

The EyeTribe Java SDK is a reference implementation of the EyeTribeAPI in Java. The SDK simplifies the communication with the EyeTribe Server and eases the process of interfacing with The Eye Tribe Tracker using Java.

To get set up, go to the EyeTribe Java SDK on GitHub. From here, you can either import the library using Gradle, clone the library project and reference it from your own or go to 'releases', download the latest JAR and add this to your project.

The EyeTribe Java SDK contains a calibration sample based on JavaFX. This sample is a perfect place to start if you wish to learn more about how to calibrate the EyeTribe Dev Kit and use gaze input in general.

The following explains how to use the SDK in a simple java program. To get started quickly you should add a reference to the main SDK entry point GazeManager in you main class.

import com.theeyetribe.client.GazeManager;

public class TETSimple
    public static void main(String[] args)
        final GazeManager gm = GazeManager.getInstance();

To establish a connection with the Eye Tribe Server we need to activate the GazeManager. In this example we’ll be coding against API version 1.0 and running in push mode. Make sure the Eye Tribe Server is running before making this call.

public static void main(String[] args)
   final GazeManager gm = GazeManager.getInstance();        
   boolean success = gm.activate(ApiVersion.VERSION_1_0, ClientMode.PUSH);

If successful, we are now ready to receive gaze data. In order to do so, we have to register an implementation of the interface IGazeListener to the GazeManager.

public static void main(String[] args)
    // …

    final GazeListener gazeListener = new GazeListener();
private static class GazeListener implements IGazeListener
    public void onGazeUpdate(GazeData gazeData)

Running your program at this point should output the received GazeData to the output console. Note that rawCoordinates and smoothedCoordinates of the GazeData object will only be filled out once the Eye Tribe Server has been calibrated, and will be empty otherwise. Before the application can receive data it must initialize the GazeManager and register a listener for new data. It is good practice to register a shutdown hook to remove the listener and deinitialize the GazeManager once the application is about to exit. Our complete program is then:

public class TETSimple
    public static void main(String[] args)
        final GazeManager gm = GazeManager.getInstance();
        boolean success = gm.activate(ApiVersion.VERSION_1_0, ClientMode.PUSH);
        final GazeListener gazeListener = new GazeListener();
        //TODO: Do awesome gaze control wizardry
        Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread()
            public void run()
    private static class GazeListener implements IGazeListener
        public void onGazeUpdate(GazeData gazeData)

Additional points of interest

In the SDK you will also find the ITrackerStateListener interface. Once a class has implemented the interface and registered a listener with the GazeManager, the method onTrackerStateChanged() will be called when the device has been connected or disconnected. The TrackerState enum can take one of the following values:

public enum TrackerState

State needs to be TRACKER_CONNECTED(0) for the server to work. The TRACKER_CONNECTED_NOUSB3(3) means that the device has been connected to a USB2 host.

Calibration process

For a thorough explanation of the process of calibrating, please refer to the C# Calibration tutorial. The syntax here is close to identical to that of Java.

You can find more code samples, along with nice examples of how to implement a calibration procedure in C#, on EyeTribe's GitHub.